graduate school council photoThis page serves as a handy starting point to acquaint you with UNT's IT resources.

The Help Desk - If you have a computing question and/or problem and can't think of whom to contact or where to look for a solution, just remember to contact the Help Desk.

Call: 940-565-2324   | Click: Online Help Desk  -  Email:   |  Come by: Sage Hall, Room 330D. 

Student Computer Labs

A list of labs, their locations and operating hours - one is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week; check the SCL website.

Remote Software Access

Quick access to the statistics, analytics and modeling software packages through our virtual, remote software offering. These applications are hosted on UNT servers and presented virtually to your on- or off-campus computer, meaning that you may use these full applications without the need to install them on your local computer. The lab is available to faculty, staff and students—provided it's for academic purposes. 

Adaptive Computer Lab

The Adaptive Computer Lab, located in Sage Hall, Room 330, is available for UNT students who benefit from accommodations, such as adaptive software and hardware. For more information about adaptive services available for students at the UNT campus, please visit the Office of Disability Access, located in Sage Hall, Room 167.

Other Services and Resources

LinkedIn Learning courses
More than 4,700 online video tutorials are available to currently enrolled UNT students and employees. 
Research Computing
Graduate students working under the supervision of UNT researchers have access to the Talon high-performance computing system.
Data Science and Analytics
Provides research and statistical consulting and more. 
Research Data Services

Services are offered through the Exam and Research Data Services Office to graduate and post-graduate students completing a thesis or doctoral dissertation with the approval of the major professor: key-entry of survey or research projects into a custom data file, ready for analysis; customized scannable survey forms created using any current form. 

Benchmarks Online
A monthly publication with timely articles including monthly columns from the Help Desk and Research and Statistical Support staff.
Is Your Computer Secure?

A checklist and resource for password security, virus protection, copyright advice and a variety of other security issues. Source: UNT System IT Shared Services.

Tips, Information and Resources
This handy brochure for the Help Desk includes a summary of the IT services available at UNT and how to access them quickly online - save to your desktop, print or bookmark this page.